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The old mode of profit-without-purpose is not sustainable. But a purpose-without-profit solution is not sustainable either.

We make leadership itself sustainable – by providing the expertise, coaching and practical support for leaders to create more responsible organisations from within.

Here’s how we help your leaders and team

The most effective changemakers are the leaders and teams who know your organisation best.

Not Sustainable gives you full access to board-level sustainability expertise to help them make it happen. Our focus in on giving you and your team what you need to be able to deliver on this agenda without us. So what’s the agenda?

Expert Advice

We can run workshops to sound check and support your strategy, helping you develop your road map for sustainable transformation. Or simply be on hand to review communications and answer sustainability questions, just when you need us. We have service models to support both options, depending on the level of help you need.

Strategy Sounding Board

Let us challenge your organisation to consider new frameworks for responsible business and support smarter, sustainable decision-making. We help you to understand your impact, explore what commitments your market expects, how you compare to competitors and what you need to focus on.

Mentoring & Upskilling

Access coaching, mentoring and training to help your organisation’s leaders and teams deliver impactful change. We can support you in creating and developing your own internal capability.

Training & Impact

Join in-depth guidance sessions on issues like carbon reduction, social value and greenwashing to sharpen your sustainability proposition, enabling staff to understand key issues and see their roles in new light.